Friday, December 11, 2009

It is chilly out there

Cold know that bone cold feeling when your feet can't warm up. I know, I'm complaining. But I'm really not. I am a season nut. I love them all. I have to admit that Spring and Fall our my favs, but I love December. I love Christmas time. I love the smell of fires burning, hot chocolate and the Balsam Fir Christmas tree.

This year I have two yummy smelling wreaths as well, thanks to the Boy Scouts sale. We have not officially decorated yet. It's incentive to get all the extra stuff we've been hoarding out before the decorations go up.

None of us are neat freaks. My son has some OCD tendencies that his Mom (me) has sadly squashed over the years. But he likes his things in their places and he spent days on his room to make it just so. My darling daughter is waiting for her staff to clean it up, she is 14. I believe most 14 year old girls beleive there is a staff somewhere......people to cater to their every whim. Oddly, we have no staff. Just me. OH, I get it, I am the staff.

My husband is the cleaner. He will clean walls when he does a room. He has lost of energy. Wish I did.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

He made the Bus

My Son sent me a text message...HI Mom, I didn't miss the bus. In all caps. He was happy, I am happy too!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Here is something to be thankful for. Thanksgiving. It's a great food holiday, and I love good food. So I'm thankful for all the wonderful goodies that we are able to have.

Mostly, I am Thankful for family and friends and the ability to share this holiday and every day with them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happiness Abounds

Well, it's been slightly over a year since I posted here. Actually slipped my mind that I had started this. Funny how fast time really does fly, it's not just a saying.

I kept my promise to myself. Try and be positive daily. Some days it's easy, some not as much.

When you break it down, and try to keep your focus on what's important it becomes easier.

Fix yourself first because you cant fix those around you. Being a mom and wife, that is tough. You/We think we know what's best for everyone. At least I did.

It's best to let everyone be what they were meant to be.