Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Write it Down

Write it down. Sounds Simple. No so much.

I have not been very diligent about my posting, although I do tell the kiddos to think of something positive everyday.

Writing it down make you accountable.....part of something, whatever that something may be.

So, today write something down that you want to follow.

Mine today is very basic. Just type it out!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today - Act Happy

Today - Smile Big. Really Big.

Even if you don't want to. More so if you think you have no reason to.

There is no better way to get your face happy then walking around with a really dumb big, huge smile.

Try it.....see how many second looks you get.
OK, some will be people wondering if you should be committed. But, some may just smile back.

Think of all the good will!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend Posting

I'll have to figure a way to remember to post on weekends. I have no excuse for Saturday. Sunday is another story. My Dad was rushed to hospital...trying to find the positive...I did. He was fainting due to his heart stopping for a few seconds on Sunday. This happened 5 times.

Now, he just had a knee replacement ans is unable to drive or ride his bike. If he had not had the knee done he may have been out an about on this Sunday. Putting himself and possibly others in harms way if he would have fainted while driving.

So, I guess things happen for a reason at any given specific time and place. Not our job to figure the shoulda, coulda - woulda's.

He had his surgery...all is well!! Big smiles here!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Appreciate Sweetness

Today, Appreciate something or someone endearing.

This morning, more so today, I was appreciating my Great Pyr. All 135 white fluffy pounds of her. She came in and wanted up onto the bed. She has a sore not so good hip and requires a boost. After the hoist up, she waits for me to grab my coffee and sit. The big head plops on my lap and she lets out the heaviest sigh...........awww. All is well in the world now.

Go out and find something to say "awwwww" about!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A lovely Rainy Day

It's a lovely gray rainy day in South Jersey. One of those days that you want to curl up in front of a fire with a blanket and a good book...Love those days.

Someone sent me a link to daily thoughts. I'll post it after I check it out.

Today, I am not going to be sarcastic. Seriously, this is hard for me. On so many levels.
I am naturally sarcastic, come from a long line of sarcastic Irish.

My son, who has Asperger's, does not get my sarcasm most times. He understands the word and will ask Mom, are you being sarcastic. ...Ummmm, Yes...sorry!

So, today...No sarcasm, No wise comments..No starting a sentence with "Do you think" when I know all are capable of thinking...

...maybe I should go into a room and curl up with a book!!

Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Year to Happy

It hit me..like a full on ton of bricks. Yesterday, I forgot to bring home milk and then referred to myself as an idiot. Yes, an idiot. An idiot in front of my kids. My darling husband points out o me that I am being negative and therefore reflecting negativity onto children.

Oddly, he was right.

So today I woke up and decided to do something, one thing Happy and Positive each day. It's not a New Year's resolution or some election related thing. It's just a November 12th thing.

Each day I will find something to be positive and/or Happy about for one year.

Wish me luck!!