Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Year to Happy

It hit a full on ton of bricks. Yesterday, I forgot to bring home milk and then referred to myself as an idiot. Yes, an idiot. An idiot in front of my kids. My darling husband points out o me that I am being negative and therefore reflecting negativity onto children.

Oddly, he was right.

So today I woke up and decided to do something, one thing Happy and Positive each day. It's not a New Year's resolution or some election related thing. It's just a November 12th thing.

Each day I will find something to be positive and/or Happy about for one year.

Wish me luck!!


Carol Anne said...

This is a really great concept. I think I may try it too! My blog started as a way to chronicle my coping with a lifelong depressive illness. Making sure to post a positive every day would probably be really helpful. I hope you don't mind if I borrow your idea!

Bobbie said...

carol anne, borrow away. We can all generate some positives!!

Semavi Lady said...

Best wishes on your journey!